Sunday, November 01, 2009

someday.... sooner

I realized this week that the infamous someday,
the someday that at this point in my life
symbolizes the epitome of my hopes and dreams,
my future,
is getting closer.
Its still a long way off,
and there are many grueling days between now and then,
but it's closer.
I know that it may sound absurd to have had this realization,
that today is one day closer,
but it just hit home for me this week.
I am of course, talking about our wedding day.
It still seems so far away...
but we are now under the two year mark.
In March/April we can book our venue.
The other night we made a rough rough draft of our guest list.
All of these little things are making it feel more real.
I know that it will happen soon enough,
but at this moment, I am selfish.
I want more than a few hours a night, one night a week.
I want every morning. I want every evening.
I want to be spending my life with the man I love.
I adore and cherish the little moments I get with him,
because each moment I get is so very precious.
And I know that we made the right decision to wait...
I just wish the waiting wasn't so long
that it didn't feel like the other half of me is missing so often.
Maybe its just that I love him.
Because I love him a lot.
The one day I am waiting for, is just one day closer.

1 comment:

Glenda Conner said...

You're so cute! True love is an amazing feeling!!