Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Its been a while

Haven't been here in quite some time,
the constant whirr of life has kept me swept up in a tornado of semi-controlled chaos.
right now is the eye of the storm.
Fall semester just finished up, and in just a few weeks it will be time to begin spring semester. Finished the fall with a 4.0, A average.
In a sense it feels like an accomplishment, but in my heart I know that there is no excuse to have had anything less. All of my classes were a joke, and very little effort went into attaining the grades itself.
This upcoming semester will be a different story, and I hope I am ready for that.
For 3 quick months I was working first shift, now, I am back to third shift.
I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but I am hoping for the best.
For me, it comes pretty naturally, I am a night owl, usually up late, and I despise mornings. I know so many people who say that early morning is the best time for quite time with God, prayer, bible studies, etc. Good for them, but I can't do it.
I could also greatly use the extra pay, because though it isn't much, it adds up.
I hope that I will be able to juggle school and work, because a downfall to third shift is that I need more sleep then usual, and I am not going to have the extra time for the extra sleep.
The other downfall is that it will take away the already limited time I have to see my fiance. We just seem to be on opposite schedules. I am sure we will make it work, but looking into the next four months and thinking about it, I feel like I will never see him, and it breaks my heart. I know that there will be time to see eachother, but it isn't an obvious time that I can pencil in day planner, but rather random bits and pieces that may come along. We are still going strong, and I love him more than ever, so I guess maybe that is why it makes me sad...
The puppy is doing wonderful, and getting into everything, just as puppies do, and making it nearly impossible to keep my house clean, but she is adorable and I guess that makes up for it.
Nothing else to update, Merry Christmas to all, have a safe holiday!

1 comment:

Glenda Conner said...

I hear ya there sista! My hubby works 3rd shift (4 10hr shifts/wk) and LOVES it too. It's kinda of hard on the family but we make it work.
Congrats on your 4.0 ya little smarty!! ;)
Hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas and just think... Jan 1st you can officially say "I am getting married next year" woo-hoo!!