Tuesday, January 12, 2010

better late then never!

So, every year I post a new years blog about some of the things from the previous year that I never want to forget. And this year, I forgot... but, its not too late! So, lets get to it!

Almost dying on the way to a snowboarding trip (a front wheel drive station wagon, an ill-experienced snow driver, LOTS of ice and snow, and a large cliff- bad times.

The loss of my baby brothers father

Getting proposed to! (favorite memory btw)

Watching my baby sister get engaged

Easter Egg hunt in Beechcroft, thousands of eggs and hundreds of kids

Cody and Jill's Wedding- seeing two firsts with my fiance, him in a tux (LOVES IT) and seeing him dance.... no comment on the second =)

Paper Machee-ing a 30 foot crocodile for VBS

A crocodile hunt and tackle Steve Irwin style with my baby sister, with my fiance and baby brother hiding inside a 30 foot paper machee crocodile the last night of vbs (lets just say it was a masacre

First Trip with the Family to be to the beach, beautiful view!

Getting my first puppy since I was a kid- she was, and is, adorable. Even if she does head-butt you and shred your important tax documents, and cords... lol

Trip to Vegas to celebrate my first college roommate getting married, and first solo trip with the boy. Loved everything about it, including the almost dying of heat stroke to walk miles to the bank in 100+ degree heat, lol

Starting back at school, going from night shift at the hospital to the day shift, then back to the night shift.

Trying on wedding dresses and starting to plan the wedding, including setting the date, picking the colors (I think that was the hardest part), etc.

Moving from the ghetto to the nicer part of town, and liking my ghetto apartment better then the one I have now.

Going to Pennsylvania to meet my extended family to be, despite the fact that some of them are Chiefs fans (didn't know there were any), thought they were all wonderful people.

Having my first break down cry since 2006, in front of my fiance.

and, last, but definately not least, falling more in love with Devon every day.

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