I hate feeling stressed out.
I hate feeling inadequate, rushed, sub-par.
I hate knowing that it is simply not feesable to do everything.
I have always been the type of person to give it all or nothing.
You either get all of my attention, or none of it.
And I can't do that right now.
I can't focus on work 100% because I am thinking about school.
I can't focus on school 100% because I have to work.
I am not sleeping well because of my sister and my car situation.
I can't be available to my friends and family the way I should be.
I can't seem to keep my house clean the way I like it.
I can't stay caught up on laundry or dishes.
I can't get to the gym, or get to see my fiance.
I can't be as present in the life of my kids because of work and school.
Its like I can't seem to give more than 1/2 my energy to anything,
and it feels like nothing I am doing is good enough.
I am tired.
and I am ready for a break.
and thanks to the snow, there won't be one.
so, for now, all I can do is breath in, breath out. and repeat.
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